Monday, November 28, 2011


Its cool to order a Diet Coke when amongst a group or peers. Switching from regular soda to diet soda may surely save you calories, but some studies suggest that drinking more than one soda can a day — regular or diet — increases your risk of obesity and related health problems such as type 2 diabetes.

Just 2 cola cans meet the safe levels of consumption advised per day. Caffeine is known to be psychoactive and if addicted to its daily consumption, can lead one to its withdrawal symptoms.

Healthier choices abound. Start your day with a glass of slim milk or a small glass of 100 percent fruit juice. Drink buttermilk with meals. Sip water throughout the day. For variety, try sparkling water or add a squirt of lemon or cranberry juice to your water. Save diet soda for an occasional treat.